A recent U.S. Supreme Court decision rolled back federal wetlands protection, making it easier for developers to backfill marshes and streams. Officials are worried this will contribute to South Carolina's already worsening flood risks.
SCWF featured on SCETV's "Making it Grow"
Sara Green was honored to appear on the popular South Carolina ETV program, “Making it Grow” to share SCWF’s upcoming projects including, Plishing, Community Habitats, Wildlife And Industry Together (WAIT), and other programs! You can check out the video here.
Tactics for Tagging Toms by Alex Killman
With the weather warming up, and pollen covering absolutely every single thing not contained within a sterile bubble, there’s only one thing going through the minds of every South Carolina turkey hunter – Spring gobbles. There’s nothing like looking out across a foggy field edge on a crisp morning as gobbles begin to ring out in the distance, signifying the start of the best seven weeks of the year.
SCWF—dedicated to protection and propagation of game, fish, and forests in S.C.
Published in Columbia Star - “In addition to advocating for wildlife throughout the state, the federation has also worked tirelessly to educate South Carolinians about the state’s wildlife and its habitat, outdoor recreation, and conservation practices.”
State birds are in trouble. This bipartisan bill can help.
Brittons Neck Demonstration Pollinator Garden
Thanks to a grant from Wells Fargo, SCWF joined together with Brittons Neck residents to install a pollinator garden. This new habitat will serve as a publicly accessible demonstration garden for visitors to replicate at their own homes and communities. The garden is located at the future site of the New Alpha Community Development Corporation’s Environmental Justice Training & Sustainability Center.
Caring for Carolina: Tackling the state’s wildlife needs
Thank you to the Columbia Metropolitan Magazine for featuring SCWF in their September issue!
Conserve, Advocate, Restore, Educate: these are the four pillars of the South Carolina Wildlife Federation. Together, they comprise the acronym CARE, which Sara Green, executive director of SCWF, explains is most befitting for the organization.
‘Most Significant Wildlife Conservation Bill in Half Century’ Passes U.S. House
The U.S. House of Representatives has voted to pass the Recovering America’s Wildlife Act, a bill to prevent wildlife extinctions by funding locally-led conservation efforts. If it becomes law, South Carolina will receive $14 million each year to help hundreds of species in need, including bobwhite quail, gopher tortoises, black rails and loggerhead sea turtles.
Senator Graham cosponsors Recovering America’s Wildlife Act
Senator Lindsey Graham is cosponsoring a bipartisan bill that will fund locally led efforts to help prevent extinctions and help wildlife thrive nationwide. The Recovering America’s Wildlife Act would send more than $14 million annually to South Carolina, which would use the money to help the 800 at-risk species identified by the SC Department of Natural Resources (SCDNR).
Helping SC's Herps
Bills were introduced in the House and the Senate in January that would strengthen our laws and give the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources (SCDNR) more tools to apprehend and penalize illegal wildlife traffickers. Both bills enjoy overwhelming support, but the House bill, H.4831, has advanced further and is still eligible to be considered and passed later this year.
Forks, Knives, and Spoonbills: A Great Success!
Thank you to all who came out to our Forks, Knives & Spoonbills dinner! Wow, what amazing food & energy from so many passionate conservationists! THANK YOU to Jay Keck for the inspiration and sharing his passion for bird conservation, and to Spotted Salamander for the creative & delicious food! Thank you also to River Rat Brewery and RNDC Distributors for beer & wine!
Click on the photo below to scroll through photos from the event:
Create wildlife habitat at home
Most people feel helpless when it comes to saving the forests around the world, but there are so many things you can do right in your own backyard and community to create wildlife habitat and make a big difference. The S.C. Wildlife Federation (SCWF) partners with the National Wildlife Federation to provide recommendations for creating and enhancing wildlife habitat in backyards as well as at schools, businesses, parks and throughout entire communities.
Keowee Key Certified as Community Wildlife Habitat
Leading a nationwide trend in community concern for habitat loss, Keowee Key has been officially designated an NWF Community Wildlife Habitat by the National Wildlife Federation (NWF). A Community Wildlife Habitat project creates multiple habitat areas in backyards, schoolyards, corporate properties, community gardens, parkland and other spaces. Keowee Key is the 112th community in the country and the 5th community in South Carolina to receive this honor.
Increasing Focus on Wildlife Habitats
The South Carolina Wildlife Federation (SCWF) has named Jay Keck as their new Habitat Education Manager. In this role, he will plan, coordinate, implement and oversee education programs designed to encourage the creation or enhancement of wildlife habitat in backyards, parks, schoolyards, and business property.
16th Annual Photo Contest Open
Calling all amateur photographers! The SCWF is holding their 16th Annual Wildlife Photography Contest. Send us your best pictures capturing the beauty of South Carolina’s nature – in your own backyard or our backyard – that being South Carolina’s natural landscapes and creatures. You may submit entries in three categories! Deadline October 31st.
Horseshoe Crabs & Shorebirds
SCWF had a wonderful event at Harbor Island on April 29 & 30, 2018 to observe and learn about Horseshoe Crabs & their spawning cycles, and the shorebirds that depend on the Horseshoe Crabs! HUGE THANK YOU to Dr. Al Segars (retired veterinarian & wildlife biologist with South Carolina Department of Natural Resources) and Nick Wallover (veteran shorebird biologist with SCDNR) for sharing their expertise with our group!
SCWF Year in Review 2017
Check out our 2017 Year in Review video! Thank you to all of our donors and sponsors who make our education and conservation programs possible! SCWF's mission is to conserve and restore South Carolina's wildlife and wildlife habitat through education and advocacy. Please consider making a donation and helping us to continue, and to expand, these programs in 2018! Donate online through our secure giving portal here.