“Small group size, amazing instructors, absolutely fantastic! Lots of staff for our small groups so our instructors were able to pinpoint issues and help us improve.” Comments like these from POWR Series participants inspire the South Carolina Wildlife Federation to continue to provide quality instruction for women and their outdoor adventures.
Palmetto Outdoor Women’s Retreat (POWR)
POWR+ Inshore Fishing Day: Who needs bait?
At our recent POWR+ Inshore Fishing with Artificials day, women learned how to fish for inshore saltwater fish using lures and other artificial bait. In the summertime when baitfish are plentiful, it can be easier to catch fish on live bait. But over the cooler months, baitfish isn’t as common in our local waters.
Project Wild Workshop
“Oh Deer!”, shouted the instructor as several educators ran across a field recently to find what they needed to survive as a white-tailed deer. This classic activity from Project WILD gives a hands-on demonstration of what white-tailed deer, or any animal for that matter, need to survive in a habitat, which is food, water, shelter, and space.
SC Wildlife Federation Hosts Women’s Event to Learn Outdoor Skills
Classes on Kayaking, Fishing, Backpacking and more are on the agenda for the SCWF's Palmetto Outdoor Women's Retreat (POWR) this fall. This event is part of a series which introduces women to the outdoors in a laid-back and relaxed environment with knowledgeable instructors, and then following up with avenues to engage women even more after their initial experience.
South Carolina Boating Safety and Education bill passes!
SCWF is proud to support S. 96, the South Carolina Boating Safety and Education bill which will make South Carolina's waterways safer. This legislation will require boaters born on or after July 1, 2007 to receive a boating safety certificate by completing a boating safety course administered or approved by the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources (SCDNR) before operating a boat with a 10-horsepower engine or greater.
Happy campers abound at Camp Wildwood!
High school students from across the state gathered recently at King's Mountain State Park to take part in Camp Wildwood, a conservation camp founded in 1954. Campers attending the camp are selected after being nominated by a teacher or other advisor and take part in daily classes including Wildlife, Fisheries, Forestry, Hunter Education, Boating, and more. In addition to the classes, campers participate in hikes, crazy sports, team building, leadership development, and dances. This camp is an excellent opportunity for high school students to learn more about careers in natural resources and the outdoors.
Midlands Master Naturalist Graduation
Caring for Carolina: Tackling the state’s wildlife needs
Thank you to the Columbia Metropolitan Magazine for featuring SCWF in their September issue!
Conserve, Advocate, Restore, Educate: these are the four pillars of the South Carolina Wildlife Federation. Together, they comprise the acronym CARE, which Sara Green, executive director of SCWF, explains is most befitting for the organization.
New Wildlife Education Program Coming to South Carolina Title 1 Classrooms
SCWF is excited to announce the selection of ten South Carolina teachers to participate in a new pilot project, “Wildlife Connections from the Mountains to the Sea”, developed by SCWF and sponsored by Dominion Energy. This project will provide classroom kits with supplies and hands-on activities representing wildlife in different areas of our state.
SCWF Plishing Challenge 2022 Winners Announced
Our inaugural SCWF Plishing Challenge is complete! After the summer-long event, we are excited to announce the overall winners for the challenge along with a randomly selected participant who will each receive a $500 gift card to Palmetto State Armory. We are grateful for everyone who registered and participated in the challenge as well as all of the sponsors who helped make this event possible.
Camp Wildwood Second Year Program dives deeper into conservation and the outdoors
Academics Afield Fall 2021
Our first group of Academics Afield students from Clemson University participated in a hunt at the Jocassee Gorges property, hosted by the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources (SCDNR) this week. This group consisted of students not only participating in the program, but students also serving as hunting mentors.