The collaborative effort reflects a shared commitment to provide high-quality child care by recognizing the vital role nature plays in young children’s overall health and development, and creating fun outdoor spaces that inspire curiosity, creativity, and physical activity among young
Program offers tips on bird identification at Hopelands Gardens
Nature lovers gathered at the Hopelands Gardens guest cottage on Friday morning for a lecture on identifying birds by their sounds…… “There’s a language of birds, and they’ll tell you a lot,” said Keck about the benefits of learning to recognize bird calls. “When you hear certain birds, it can tell you things about the landscape.” Keck’s lecture emphasized birds that are in decline and what people can do to help them thrive.
Happy campers abound at Camp Wildwood!
High school students from across the state gathered recently at King's Mountain State Park to take part in Camp Wildwood, a conservation camp founded in 1954. Campers attending the camp are selected after being nominated by a teacher or other advisor and take part in daily classes including Wildlife, Fisheries, Forestry, Hunter Education, Boating, and more. In addition to the classes, campers participate in hikes, crazy sports, team building, leadership development, and dances. This camp is an excellent opportunity for high school students to learn more about careers in natural resources and the outdoors.
New Wildlife Education Program Coming to South Carolina Title 1 Classrooms
SCWF is excited to announce the selection of ten South Carolina teachers to participate in a new pilot project, “Wildlife Connections from the Mountains to the Sea”, developed by SCWF and sponsored by Dominion Energy. This project will provide classroom kits with supplies and hands-on activities representing wildlife in different areas of our state.