Academics Afield
The South Carolina Wildlife Federation has partnered with Clemson University and the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources to launch Academics Afield in South Carolina. The Georgia Wildlife Federation founded Academics Afield in 2019 in an effort to introduce college students from non-traditional backgrounds to hunting and shooting sports. GWF is now partnering with other states to spread this program throughout the southeast.
Academics Afield aims to reduce barriers to hunting and shooting for college students and engages students as participants and mentors. The program helps to connect students who have a heritage and history of hunting with those who don’t, and allows them to learn and share experiences with peers.
In addition to the actual hunting events, students attend Hunter Education classes, spend time practicing on the range and learning about how hunting and conservation are strongly connected, and they even get to sample wild game that they and their mentors harvest.
For more information, contact SCWF Director of Education, BeBe Dalton Harrison.