SCWF staff and volunteers along with the Friends of the Community Orchard, gathered together to install a new demonstration native plant pollinator garden in the Rosewood Community Orchard.
Mother Nature’s Hole in One
Set among the lush maritime forest and salt marshes of Hilton Head Island, Moss Creek is a private residential community dedicated to protecting and enhancing wildlife habitat in their neighborhood. Led by Wayne Fredrick and Lou Natale, and with the help of Moss Creek’s Nature Club, this community achieved certification as a Community Wildlife Habitat through the National Wildlife Federation and the South Carolina Wildlife Federation back in May of this year.
Pee Dee Tree Planting Project Update!
This past Saturday, February 5th, Britton’s Neck residents were joined by Sara Green, SCWF’s executive director, volunteers, and partner organizations, New Alpha Community Development Corporation, Environmental Action Club (SC State University), and The Dogwood Alliance, for a kickoff event celebrating the start of a project to plant 1,000 trees in the rural community of Britton’s Neck to reduce flooding.
Sun City welcomes wildlife
Town of Chapin Nature Park
October News & Updates from SCWF
We have finally had a taste of the crisp fall air in South Carolina! Despite the twists and turns of 2020, we are excited to report there have been a large number of wins for wildlife in South Carolina. Keep reading to learn more about how the South Carolina Wildlife Federation continues to protect wildlife and wild places for future generations to enjoy.
As always, thank you for joining us in our work to preserve South Carolina's natural heritage for years to come!
Keowee Key Certified as Community Wildlife Habitat
Leading a nationwide trend in community concern for habitat loss, Keowee Key has been officially designated an NWF Community Wildlife Habitat by the National Wildlife Federation (NWF). A Community Wildlife Habitat project creates multiple habitat areas in backyards, schoolyards, corporate properties, community gardens, parkland and other spaces. Keowee Key is the 112th community in the country and the 5th community in South Carolina to receive this honor.