Bull Point was recently certified as a Community Wildlife Habitat! As the 12th Certified Community Wildlife Habitat in our state, Bull Point has joined over 300 other communities across the nation making a difference for wildlife. Located in Seabrook and on the edge of the ACE basin, the Bull Point Community is nestled in the serene marshes of the Port Royal Sound.
A Pollinator Picnic: Stopping to Smell the Flowers
National Pollinator Week June 19-25 is an annual celebration designed to raise awareness of the importance of pollinators and what we can do to protect them. Linda Suber has been celebrating bees, butterflies, flies, wasps, and hummingbirds in her Shandon garden for 15 years by planning and planting pollinator picnics. Menus vary by season and by pollinator preference.
SCWF featured on SCETV's "Making it Grow"
Sara Green was honored to appear on the popular South Carolina ETV program, “Making it Grow” to share SCWF’s upcoming projects including, Plishing, Community Habitats, Wildlife And Industry Together (WAIT), and other programs! You can check out the video here.
Wildlife Habitat Certification
SCWF was honored to be featured in the SC Sea Grant Consortium’s Coastal Heritage Magazine in their Spring 2023 issue. Check out the full article by Erica Hussey on their website HERE - it contains TONS of great information about conservation in your backyard!
Mother Nature’s Hole in One
Set among the lush maritime forest and salt marshes of Hilton Head Island, Moss Creek is a private residential community dedicated to protecting and enhancing wildlife habitat in their neighborhood. Led by Wayne Fredrick and Lou Natale, and with the help of Moss Creek’s Nature Club, this community achieved certification as a Community Wildlife Habitat through the National Wildlife Federation and the South Carolina Wildlife Federation back in May of this year.
Sun City welcomes wildlife
Belser Arboretum celebrates Earth Day
In recognition of Earth Day, the W. Gordon Belser Arboretum in Sherwood Forest celebrated receiving certification as a Palmetto Wildlife Habitat. In the outdoor classroom Sara Green, director of the South Carolina Wildlife Federation, commended former director Dr. Pat DeCoursey for her restoration of the arboretum…
Homemade Suet Recipe
Ninety percent of a bird's diet consists of insects, even those birds that you see at your feeders. In the winter, the insect population (important source of protein) is low and the availability of berries (important source of fat) is limited. In the spring, birds need lots of energy to build nests and families. You can help by making homemade suet, which birds prefer to the bought kind. Lard can be purchased at many local grocery stores - call ahead to make sure that they have it. If you hang the suet near your other feeders, the birds will discover it quickly!
October News & Updates from SCWF
We have finally had a taste of the crisp fall air in South Carolina! Despite the twists and turns of 2020, we are excited to report there have been a large number of wins for wildlife in South Carolina. Keep reading to learn more about how the South Carolina Wildlife Federation continues to protect wildlife and wild places for future generations to enjoy.
As always, thank you for joining us in our work to preserve South Carolina's natural heritage for years to come!
June News & Updates from SCWF
We're almost halfway through 2020 and every month seems to meet us with a new twist and turn. Because of coronavirus, we shifted our classes online with great success. The events surrounding the #BlackLivesMatter movement have challenged us to take a necessary look at our own diversity practices, leading to a new diversity statement and a shift in numerous internal procedures. We still do not know how the rest of the year will unfold, but we know that nature is resilient and provides peace in challenging times. As the oldest conservation nonprofit in South Carolina, we vow to continue our work to sustain South Carolina's natural resources and make the outdoors a place for everyone to enjoy.
Keowee Key Certified as Community Wildlife Habitat
Leading a nationwide trend in community concern for habitat loss, Keowee Key has been officially designated an NWF Community Wildlife Habitat by the National Wildlife Federation (NWF). A Community Wildlife Habitat project creates multiple habitat areas in backyards, schoolyards, corporate properties, community gardens, parkland and other spaces. Keowee Key is the 112th community in the country and the 5th community in South Carolina to receive this honor.
Increasing Focus on Wildlife Habitats
The South Carolina Wildlife Federation (SCWF) has named Jay Keck as their new Habitat Education Manager. In this role, he will plan, coordinate, implement and oversee education programs designed to encourage the creation or enhancement of wildlife habitat in backyards, parks, schoolyards, and business property.
16th Annual Photo Contest Open
Calling all amateur photographers! The SCWF is holding their 16th Annual Wildlife Photography Contest. Send us your best pictures capturing the beauty of South Carolina’s nature – in your own backyard or our backyard – that being South Carolina’s natural landscapes and creatures. You may submit entries in three categories! Deadline October 31st.
Homemade Suet Recipe
Ninety percent of a bird's diet consists of insects, even those birds that you see at your feeders. In the winter, the insect population (important source of protein) is low and the availability of berries (important source of fat) is limited. In the spring, birds need lots of energy to build nests and families. You can help by making homemade suet, which birds prefer to the bought kind. Lard can be purchased at many local grocery stores - call ahead to make sure that they have it. If you hang the suet near your other feeders, the birds will discover it quickly!
30 WAIT Sites Re-certified
SCWF) has re-certified 30 Wildlife And Industry Together (W.A.I.T.) sites for 2017. The W.A.I.T. program recognizes industries in South Carolina who are dedicated to protecting the environment and who keep wildlife needs in mind when making their land management decisions. Requirements for certification include wildlife habitat enhancement projects, environmental education for employees, and community outreach.
Carolina Fence Garden at Andrew Jackson State Park
On March 25, 2017, SCWF was invited to celebrate the 250th Anniversary of
the birthday of President Andrew Jackson at the Lancaster County South
Carolina state park honoring the seventh President of the United States of
America. Fittingly, the Leaf & Petal Garden Club Garden Club and York County Master
Gardeners created a Carolina Fence Garden on the grounds of an 18th-century
replica schoolhouse.