Pro Birder

Increasing Focus on Wildlife Habitats

Increasing Focus on Wildlife Habitats

The South Carolina Wildlife Federation (SCWF) has named Jay Keck as their new Habitat Education Manager.  In this role, he will plan, coordinate, implement and oversee education programs designed to encourage the creation or enhancement of wildlife habitat in backyards, parks, schoolyards, and business property.    

Palmetto Pro Birders is Expanding!

Palmetto Pro Birders is Expanding!

We are thrilled to announce the addition of two new instructors to the program!  Tim Lee has studied and taught as a naturalist and biologist throughout the southeast for more than 26 years and is an instructor for the Upstate Master Naturalist program.  Steve Patterson is a former president of the Carolina Bird Club and an instructor for the Midlands Master Naturalist program.  See full bios on our two new instructors below.  Welcome Tim & Steve!