Recovering America's Wildlife Act

GREEN: Graham-backed bold, bipartisan wildlife bill is running out of time

GREEN: Graham-backed bold, bipartisan wildlife bill is running out of time

From brook trout to bobwhites, wildlife is part of what defines South Carolina. Unfortunately, more than 800 local species of concern have been identified by the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources. It’s part of a larger national trend where more than one-third of America’s wildlife are edging toward extinction.

Senator Graham cosponsors Recovering America’s Wildlife Act

Senator Graham cosponsors Recovering America’s Wildlife Act

Senator Lindsey Graham is cosponsoring a bipartisan bill that will fund locally led efforts to help prevent extinctions and help wildlife thrive nationwide. The Recovering America’s Wildlife Act would send more than $14 million annually to South Carolina, which would use the money to help the 800 at-risk species identified by the SC Department of Natural Resources (SCDNR).