Shaw Industries has been a valued WAIT partner in the Midlands since 2016. Located along the Saluda River, Shaw's property is a wintering place for waterfowl such as wood ducks and bufflehead. The property's habitat, which includes maturing forest, a wetlands area, and thickets, provides nesting opportunities for neo-tropical migrants like the summer tanager, white-eyed vireo, and hooded warblers.
WAIT Partner Update: Michelin US5
Michelin US5 in Lexington has reinvigorated their WAIT program with many nature-loving employees at the property. Two bird baths, 10 Bluebird boxes, a bee and butterfly house, along with 17 wildlife feeding stations, have been placed on the property. A new walking path made out of recycled tires directs employees through the beautiful, wooded area in front of the factory.
WAIT Partner Update: Michelin (US5)
Michelin (US5) in Lexington held a teambuilding event to enhance their WAIT area. We had a birdhouse building contest, hung up additional feeders and bird houses on the grounds, planted more native flowers, added additional water sources, removed invasive plants, added outside seating and added new signage. During the two day event, the teams worked beyond the WAIT area and picked up litter along the road and on site.