By Jay Keck, Industry Habitat Manager
Michelin US5 in Lexington has reinvigorated their WAIT program with many nature-loving employees at the property. Two bird baths, 10 Bluebird boxes, a bee and butterfly house, along with 17 wildlife feeding stations, have been placed on the property.
A new walking path made out of recycled tires directs employees through the beautiful, wooded area in front of the factory. To make it easier for employees to enjoy this area, steps were installed on the hill so employees could access the path and new seating area during their lunch break. Along with removing some invasive species from the woodlot, new signage and native plants were installed to help educate employees and to provide food and shelter for wildlife. We'd like to thank the employees at Michelin US5 that helped make this area beneficial to both people and wildlife!
SCWF excited to announce that US5's efforts have influenced their neighboring plant, US7, to enhance their property for wildlife and provide education opportunities for their employees. We look forward to a long-lasting WAIT partnership with the US7 facility too!
With the help of Jay Keck, both US 5 and US 7 have plans to install eastern screech owl boxes this year in hopes to help this declining species.