SCWF Staff Jay Keck and Sara Green had the opportunity to visit with one of our partners in the Wildlife And Industry Together (WAIT) program recently and see the amazing work they’ve been doing for wildlife on their grounds! See below for an update from Christina LeGrand, Empowerment Partner at Michelin (Us5).
Michelin (US5) in Lexington held a teambuilding event to enhance their WAIT area. We had a birdhouse building contest, hung up additional feeders and bird houses on the grounds, planted more native flowers, added additional water sources, removed invasive plants, added outside seating and new signage. During the two day event, the teams worked beyond the WAIT area and picked up litter along the road and on site. Jay Keck visited the site to share ideas prior to the event and after came back with Sara Green to see the updated areas. We have enjoyed the time spent working together as a team at US5, and with SCWF, as we remain committed to the WAIT program.
Michelin US5’s WAIT Team and their plant manager pose for a photo with SCWF’s Jay Keck and Sara Green while showing off their newly planted Carolina Fence Garden.