Pat with an impressive 800-year-old tree in South Africa, January 2020.
WHY - To stand-up-for enlightened science-based environmental policies. And, because I say, harmony with Mother Nature is critical to saving humankind and the planet.
BIO - Oldest of four adopted via Catholic Charities. Grew up on a MN horse farm with an acre garden. (Rhubarb is an early crop up there.) Graduated in ’64. Finished Denver University in ’73. (The nine-year undergrad program via U of Iowa, U of Hawaii and 18 months in Manhattan.) Was fortunate to have spent 11 years with Marriott under mostly brilliant managers (DC, NYC, Chicago). Recruited as VP Marketing to a Columbia, SC national real estate development firm in ’83. Leyla and I launched Center For Carolina Living, a destination marketing enterprise (501.C) in ’86. Retired. Happy. 40-year Yoga, Vipassana Meditation practice.