Thanks to grant funding received from the Richland County Conservation Commission (RCCC), SCWF staff worked with Richland Library Ballentine staff and community volunteers to create native wildflower pollinator gardens in the “grass island” of their parking lot. The gardens are already attracting pollinators as well as frogs, toads, and lizards, that have been seen foraging around the flowers and finding shelter in the vegetation and mulch.
Endangered Species Act: Rusty Patched Bumble Bee
SC Aquarium Hosts Habitat Garden
SCWF held a wildlife habitat workshop at the SC Aquarium on March 14th, and participants learned information about creating and enhancing wildlife habitat by planting native plants, providing a water source, and adding feeders, nest boxes, etc. and how their own yards can be certified by the National Wildlife Federation. In partnership with the South Carolina Aquarium, and with support from Volvo and Roots N Shoots Nursery, they also installed native plants in front of the Aquarium which provide food, cover and places to raise young for pollinators, birds, and other wildlife. This garden serves a demonstration for visitors to learn how to attract wildlife to their own garden.