Friends, volunteers and staff of Carolina Sandhills NWR along with the SC Wildlife Federation will host a workday at the refuge on Saturday, December 7, 2024. Since 1998, the SC Wildlife Federation and the refuge have collaborated on volunteer projects. Plan to join us for a day of learning about refuge wildlife as you help conserve and protect valuable natural resources. Anticipated projects include maintaining trails, installing trail and boundary signs, litter pick-up, and repairing boardwalks and kiosks.
Participants should wear field clothes, comfortable shoes, and bring work gloves, drinks, and a snack. Volunteers will meet at 9:00 a.m. at the Headquarters Office located 3.5 miles east of McBee on US Highway 1. The workday will conclude at noon.
Established in 1939, Carolina Sandhills National Wildlife Refuge contains rolling sand hills dominated by the longleaf pine-wiregrass ecosystem. Along with the endangered red-cockaded woodpecker, the refuge is home to more than 190 species of birds, 42 species of mammals, 41 species of reptiles, and 25 species of amphibians. More than 800 species of plants have been identified on the refuge, including rare species of pitcher plants, Well’s pixie-moss, and the white-wicky.